Hand Tied Bouquet Workshop
Want to learn how to make your own very hand tied bouquet?
We will guide you every step of the way! Materials are all included and you will take away your very own beautiful bouquet in a aqua packed box.
Located in our beautiful countryside studio in East Hull - (Swine).
Further details are available on booking.
Want to learn how to make your own very hand tied bouquet?
We will guide you every step of the way! Materials are all included and you will take away your very own beautiful bouquet in a aqua packed box.
Located in our beautiful countryside studio in East Hull - (Swine).
Further details are available on booking.
Want to learn how to make your own very hand tied bouquet?
We will guide you every step of the way! Materials are all included and you will take away your very own beautiful bouquet in a aqua packed box.
Located in our beautiful countryside studio in East Hull - (Swine).
Further details are available on booking.